Learning from Other Artists…

—Of course I’ve always loved Monet, Van Gogh, John Singer Sargent, etc., but also a living, working artist, Richard Schmid, is a favorite of mine. I asked the library to purchase his book, Alla Prima II, as it is very expensive. After a year I gave up and decided to give myself a birthday gift (paperback edition) and am so happy I did. The subtitle is, “Everything I know About Painting—and More,” and it is!

He paints landscapes, portraits, still lifes, and more. And he is a very enjoyable read.

When he gets to the part where he describes his materials he also shows the color charts he made. He mixed every color on his palette with every other color plus added 4 tints of white. Well, if it’s good for Richard it’d probably be good for me to do. 

I wish I had just used my standard 12 colors instead of the additional 12 colors that I have picked up along the way—colors that I try when I see an artist whose art I like and it’s one of their favorite colors.

I bought every pad of canvas paper at the store and had to go back for more. It takes 4 pages for each color. Measure it off, label, tape it off, paint, take off the tape, hang to dry, repeat. Sometimes tedious; sometimes meditative.

They are BEAUTIFUL! And sometimes when I mix two colors…I gasp at the color it becomes…who knew?

Color mixing has been a weakness of mine and NOW I can look up a shade of green I want and know exactly what to mix to get what I want from my paints. Well worth the effort.

Color charts

4 thoughts on “Learning from Other Artists…

  1. Andee, this is a great exercise and one I think it’s like to do as well. Did you use oils? I’ve been told that certain brands have different pigment loads. For example, alizarin crimson can affect other colors differently depending on the brand used. I’ve done a bit of this but only to look at opaque and transparent colors.


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    1. Yes, these are oils. Sometimes brands can affect the color. I like Rembrandt and Windsor & Newton for the most part. Transparent and opaque makes a huge difference in how and when to use them.


  2. There are some beautiful colors in there! In college an assignment was to do do a color mix chart on poster board. We were to just paint a swatch, but I taped mine off. Removing the tape, I had an optical illusion of a black spot at each corner.

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