A 30-Day Challenge—

I haven’t done these online art challenges. I’ve seen quite a few of them over the years and frankly I shake my head when I see people have posted  something they’ve scribbled off stating they were too tired and that’s all they could manage.

Really I should give them credit. THEY were at least trying to do it where I was not. They just lost steam and well, were hanging on.

I am in a group now where a challenge was issued to paint, draw, or sketch everyday for 30 days. We do not have to complete a painting, just work on it. 

Generally I do paint every day, but there are times I take a day off, when life gets in the way, or if I need to take care of studio business or marketing.  So this IS a stretch because not only do we have to paint or draw, but we have to take a photo and post it to our Facebook group each day. And when I finish a piece, the next day I have to think, “what am I going to do today?” 

I am enjoying the challenge—even when I end up posting late at night. The group is very encouraging and I’m certainly getting a lot done. Here is a piece I finished on day 21, “Garlic $1″, oil, 6×8”.

Garlic $1


Or the day my head blew up

In my quest for constant and never ending improvement I sometimes get too much information in my head. One day, as I put brush to canvas, my head blew up.

It all started when I was unhappy that my painting had gotten too tight (it wasn’t that way in art school and college!). It may be skillful but not very expressive. So I looked to artist’s whose work I admire—old masters as well as currently working artist—to learn new techniques.

I took a workshop, watched some videos, a tutorial, read some books and magazines. After working for years with the colors I used in college I tried a whole new brighter palette and was I having some success. I learned some looser brushwork techniques. I keep going.

One artist uses more colors; one uses a limited palette; one uses 3 colors plus white. One tones their canvas, another does not. Etc.

One day painting, the information was all in conflict in my head. That was the day it all started swirling around and my head blew up. I had to stop, light a candle, meditate, and begin again.

Let’s just try ONE thing and see what happens. Let’s think about just this ONE thing and if it works, fine; if not, fine.

And “Fresh Flowers” came out way better than I expected. Not as loose as I’m working toward, but I pretty much like it. What do you think?

Fresh Flowers
“Fresh Flowers” 10×8″ oil on panel

The Color of White

“There are so many colors in the rainbow
So many colors in the morning sun
So many colors in the flower and I see every one”

—from “The Red Flower” by Harry Chapin

“White Rose” available at Daily Paintworks: http://www.dailypaintworks.com/buy/auction/692077

White Rose
“White Rose”, 8×10″ oil on panel

By Any Other Name

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet.” —William Shakespeare

To enjoy the fragrance as well as to get lost in these shapes and colors is almost more joy than my brush can handle. Indeed the looking and seeing is a big part of painting for me. The name of the thing—not at all.

Getting it from my head into paint…well… that’s a whole ‘nother challenge.

From my recent show, “Yellow Rose”. Available now at Daily Paintworks: http://www.dailypaintworks.com/buy/auction/690691

Yellow Rose
“Yellow Rose” 8×10″ oil on panel

I Just Can’t Contain Myself

If ever there were a flower bursting with joy it would be the peonies growing behind my deck. When I first moved into this house they were growing on the side of the house. Who could see them there? I moved them right outside my back deck where I can see them from my desk and they have flourished.

I have invited other artists over to paint them, as I just had to share their beauty. I feel like there is a garden party the whole time they are in bloom. I cannot paint them enough.

I present to you “Bursting Peony” available at Daily Paintworks: http://www.dailypaintworks.com/buy/auction/685548

Bursting Peony
Bursting Peony, 6×6″ oil on panel

Head Snap, Illegal U-Turn

The first time I drove past the Fleetwood Diner in a non-descript part of town my head would’ve flown off had it not been attached by my neck. It stands out like a full moon in a clear night sky. Hence the immediate U-turn.

It’s everything you’d want in a diner including great food, especially their popular dish—Hippie Hash!

After my first painting, a 5×7″ acrylic, I knew I had to go back—AT NIGHT— to take more pictures to really get that shine through the glass bricks and that glow of the neon lights—not an easy task.

My second painting, 12×24″ acrylic, I worked to capture the neon and the mystery of the Fleetwood in the late summer evening.

Fleetwood Diner
“Fleetwood Diner” 12×24″ acrylic on canvas

Available at Daily Paintworks: http://www.dailypaintworks.com/buy/auction/670526

Home Hippie Hash
“Home of Hippie Hash” 5×7″ acrylic on canvas

Surveying Her Subjects

She came in as the younger, smaller cat in the house, but soon took over as the one in charge. The back of the couch is the highest point in the room that is comfortable. She can see the whole room, the other cat, me, and the backyard out the window across the room. She has great color, sort of black and brown, some rust and white, a pink nose and “odd socks” as I call them, meaning each paw is different.

Quite a demanding little kitty, she yells at me when she wants something, but if I whisper at her, she will whisper back. She is a great model and I could paint her all day long. Now that the springtime sun is making its way into our home, and sunbeam naps are on the schedule, a new painting is inevitable.

Surveying Her Subjects
“Surveying Her Subjects”, 6×6″ oil on panel

Available at Daily Paintworks: http://www.dailypaintworks.com/buy/auction/664015

It’s A Big Job

by Guest Blogger, Fred the Cat

It’s a big enough job patrolling the garden, but when a dozen artists invade the place and I have to check out each one with all those shoes, and bags, and sticks in the ground, it’s a wonder I get to all my usual checkpoints. Good thing I have bench, with its raised vantage point and luxury sunbeams, to take a well deserved rest.

My Garden Spot, oil on panel, 6×8″

Available at Daily Paintworks: http://www.dailypaintworks.com/buy/auction/657133


“Bluebird” 6×6″ oil on panel

Late at night when the wind is still

I’ll come flying through your door

And you’ll know what love is for

I’m a bluebird

“Bluebird” is a song credited to Paul and Linda McCartney that was originally released on the Wings’ album Band on the Run.

These cute little guys don’t visit my yard. My sister is lucky. They even nest in her yard from time to time.

They’ve been used as symbols in songs by Paul McCartney, by David Bowie, by the Moody Blues, and Judy Garland’s “Over the Rainbow”. I remember a childhood rhyme that was something…”Bluebird, bluebird, in and out the window…”

Quite a popular little fellow.

Available at Daily Paintworks: http://www.dailypaintworks.com/buy/auction/651926

Guest Photography

I took photography in college so I know how to compose in the camera, which is an advantage when gathering photo references for my painting. I also am skilled on the computer so I can crop and make adjustments when necessary to enhance the photos.

Guest photos can also be delightful.

My cousin took a photo of 3 baby birds demanding to be fed and posted it on Facebook. I immediately asked her for permission to use it for a painting. I think I smiled the entire time I was painting.

“Three Part Harmony”, 8×6″ oil on panel

Available at Daily Paintworks: http://www.dailypaintworks.com/buy/auction/647242