FRUSTRATION! The Learning Struggle

Oh So Sweet

Every time I take a class I want to know everything NOW! Just open my head and pour it in. I am always frustrated in the beginning because in any class there are always various skill levels of people signed up and there is a certain amount of basics to get through.
My eCourse is no different. I want to paint. But there is setting up the studio, setting up the palette, loading up the brush, cleaning the brush, yada, yada, yada… all good information, and I want to PAINT. And I learned a lot in spite of myself.

I’ve always known certain pigments didn’t cover as well as others and this was annoying. These are the transparents, and now I know how to use them to my advantage. As a thin underpainting they provide a rich glow of bright color, which work with the next layer of thicker opaque color to provide depth and richness.

The second week we painted! After switching to acrylics for the past 3 years I remembered why I like painting in oils. Thick and buttery, there is nothing like it. And it’s pretty easy to wipe out and paint over if I don’t like what I’ve done (which I did several times).
So I’m getting the hang of this loose brushstroke thing, at least while I’m watching Dreama do it. We’ll have to see if I can do it on my own with my own painting. But I’ve still got 4 weeks to go.

Here is my cupcake painting from week 2 #DreamLovePaint.

7 thoughts on “FRUSTRATION! The Learning Struggle

  1. Right on again, Andrea, from classes to techniques to materials. I love oil as well, but the expediency of acrylic is highly desirable especially with large paintings. Thank you for sharing. Good piece. -joel


  2. Who did you take your last work shop with….seems like she uses oils ….I want my pastel artist friend to see your “Cupcake” Wish you didn’t live so far away….I miss my “art friends” to talk too….


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